Stefi Rosca

🎯 Stefi’s Shorts #11 - Be kinder

Dear friends,

One of my goals this year is to be kinder. At first, I thought it could just be: “Be kind”. Then I thought I was already trying to be kind day in and out. The actual challenge would be to go one step further. I see so many people that are mean, disrespectful, or haters in general and then I think about what Brene Brown shared in her book “Dare to Lead”. These all are people. If I would picture them in therapy or holding a baby or in third grade maybe I could do better.

Thinking in this way made me view the strangers I interact with daily within such a different light. Instead of being annoyed if someone is slow, or if someone isn’t nice to me, I try my hardest to not mirror that. Some days it’s easier than others. I implemented this also when thinking of the people on the leadership team, or the people who make some decision based on my raise that I might not be happy about and then I just think they must be lonely or have been treated badly in their childhood and I feel better and I can move one.

This helps me be more at peace. You never know what someone is going through. Some people might just be bad in general. I prefer to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Obviously if someone hurts me it’s not that easy to stay neutral but I do try.

3 Ideas That Made Me Think This Week

  • What if you tried hard? → a great article I recommend to everyone unless you want to only put in the minimum effort required to get something done.
  • “Write what you need to read.” - I found that whenever I have an idea of an article for this blog or my travel blog it’s something I wish I would have found maybe a few months or years before. Now when I write I think about my younger self.
  • Why am I not getting any results? This visual speaks for itself.

not getting results pie chart


YouTube Video or Podcast of the week


As I’m almost finishing the 21 Days of Back Mobility challenge and I am feeling so much better. I’d like to add a 7-10 min stretching routine to my day. I will try to see what Youtube has in store.

Quote of the Week

“Not choosing is already a choice” by Jean-Paul Sartre

Have a great day, and thanks for reading,


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👩‍💻 Frontend Developer, 🌍 traveler and⛷️ Skier

Recurse Center Alumn

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